Paddling Paradise is a captivating and immersive documentary film that delves into the sense of adventure, and cultural significance of canoeing in Canada.
Film raises awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability, as well as the role of canoes in fostering connections with nature and promoting outdoor recreation.
Film takes viewers on an epic journey with a Brian, Harald and Charles based in the province of Manitoba located in the middle of the Canadian Prairies. Three passionate canoeing enthusiasts as they navigate the water route following a series of lakes linked by portages.
Film present the outstanding beauty of Manitoba lakes and rivers. Through the history of canoeing and stories of Brian, Harald and Charles, the audience knows more about paddling itself and why Manitoba is a “Paddling Paradise”.
Enthusiastically shares his deep passion for canoeing and explains why he embarks on epic paddling adventures. He prepares himself and his canoeing gear for the upcoming expedition to Mantario Lake.
Charles, a dual enthusiast of botany and canoeing, passionately combines his love for paddling with his deep appreciation for plants as he explores the pristine natural beauty of Manitoba’s lakes and rivers.
Harald, a paddling enthusiast in his 60s, shares his personal journey, detailing what draws him to canoeing adventures and his decision to eventually build his own cedar canoe from scratch.